1.How secure are my documents in Zoho Writer?
To protect users' documents from unauthorized access, we use password authentication as the security mechanism. However, we have SSL basedlogin authentication in our roadmap.Once Zoho Writer is out of beta, we are planning to offer encrypted document storage for paid subscribers. Thus,only the original owner of the document can decrypt it.
2.How much storage space does Zoho Writer offer?
As of now, we offer unlimited storage space to Zoho Writer users. However, we plan to limit this to 1 GB once we go out of beta.
3.What if one day I lose all my documents? How does Zoho Writer manage & backup data?
We strictly follow standard security guidelines at our data center and monitor our servers regularly.Regarding data management & backup, we at Zoho Writer replicate each document, so that even if one copy is lost, there is another live copy.We also backup data daily. So in the worst case scenario where we lose both copies due to some unforeseen circumstances, there is a daily backup from which we can restore the documents.
4.I have accidentally deleted a document from the folder. How do I restore it?
It is exactly for this reason that Zoho Writer does not delete a document at the first instance. In fact, you get a message "Document Trashed" after the delete operation. You can restore the document to its original folder by selecting it from the trash folder and clicking on the "Restore"link.