Zoho Docs Online Document Management Software Online Document Management Software

Add, View And Delete Tasks

adding tasks

Adding A Task For a Document

To add a task for a document:

  1. Right click on a document you want to assign tasks for.
  2. From the drop-down menu click on the Add Task option.
  3. In the pop-up which is displayed, click on the Type drop-down.
  4. Select the Review or Approve option.
  5. Enter the email id of the individual you want to assign the task to
  6. Enter a description
  7. Click on the Add button
  8. A notification of the task is sent to the assigned user
Note*:A task for a document can be assigned to only one person at one time. Only on completion of the assigned task can another task be added.


Viewing a Task

To view an assigned task:

  1. Right click on the document you have assigned a task for.
  2. From the the drop-down menu click on the Add Task option.
  3. An Add Task pop-up window will appear mentioning the name of the individual the task has been assigned to.
  4. Click on the View task link
  5. All the task details will be displayed


Deleting a Task

To delete an assigned task:

  1. Right click on the document you have assigned a task for.
  2. From the the drop-down menu click on the Add Task option.
  3. An Add Task pop-up window will appear mentioning the name of the individual the task has been assigned to.
  4. Click on the Delete task link at the top.
  5. A confirmation pop-up will appear asking if you want to delete the task.
  6. Click on Ok for the task to get deleted


Task Status and Notifications

Zoho Docs notifies the assigned user when a task is assigned and the document owner when a task is completed. Given below is how users are notified on tasks:

  1. When the document owner assigns a task the assigned user gets a notification
  2. The user can check the task assigned by clicking on the task icon next to the Search option on the top right hand side
  3. Once the task is complete the assigned user can change the status to Complete
  4. The document owner will then get a notification that the assigned Task has been completed
  5. After this a new task can be assigned

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